From the recording Songs In The Great Turning



Music and Lyric by
McKinley Williams

I remember you
dancing in the winter
I remember you
Do you remember me?

Now, I'm painting pictures
driven by your smile
Now, I'm painting pictures
for awhile

Yes, I remember you
We spent lots of time together
Friends were far and few
Yes, I remember you

Now I'm painting pictures
driven by your smile
Now I'm painting pictures
for awhile

Colors that splash
upon life's fragile stage
All of the dreams and plans that we made
Hours still pass in the memory of you
We dance, in my mind, a 'grande pas de deux'
and the music that we make sets me free

Oh, I remember you
dancing in the winter
Yes, I remember you
You're a part of me

Now, I'm painting pictures
driven by your smile
Now, I'm painting pictures
for awhile.....for awhile

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